Birkdale Community Association, the HOA, has contracted with Pro-Seal, a paving company, to upgrade the sidewalks throughout Birkdale from Spyglass Hill Circle to Ainsdale Lane, a distance of approximately 2 miles. Various situations have emerged since the last work was done necessitating this work.

Some sections of the path have experienced tree root encroachment, creating difficult  conditions for walking or using wheeled apparatus. Other areas were poorly designed and have unacceptable pitch.  Remaining areas may need repair or sealing only.

To facilitate the work of the contractor several accommodations must be made.      First, of course, the sidewalk will be closed.  Walkers, including school children,  should use extreme caution in the areas. In most areas, there are adequate grass shoulders on the opposite side.  

Second,  there should be no parking along the path of the work.  Both sides of Royal Birkdale Dr. may be impacted by the equipment and lane narrowing. Parking on side streets is recommended.

Third, the excavation along the path may infringe into lawns.  Irrigations systems need to be marked.  Watering or mowing lawns should not be done when construction is planned, preferably all week. 

The financing of this project is from the Capital Reserve which is collected from assessments each quarter.  The Reserve is specifically designated for replacement or refurbishment of capital items. This is required by law to avoid unnecessary special assessments which may arise if a reserve is not in place. Other improvements this year have also been funded from the reserve account  and have no direct impact on the operating budget. A full accounting of this will be reported when the project is complete.

Questions or comments may be addressed to:

In emergency call Earl Bishop, BCA President – 804-339-5981.

Birkdale is a planned community of over 650 homes in western Chesterfield County in the Hull St. corridor. The development was named for the Royal Birkdale Golf Course in England, and it is built around a privately owned golf course and lakes.