Board Regulations
The purpose of ARC is to protect the integrity of the Birkdale Community by reviewing and approving or disapproving all homeowner proposals/plans for any type of exterior construction, alteration, erections, demolition, installation or enlargement of any building, fence, wall, accessory building, exterior lighting, sign, mailbox or mailbox support, improvement or other structure. ARC has oversight responsibility for establishing and maintaining high quality standards for structures and landscaping throughout Birkdale.
Any homeowner requesting an alteration must submit an application to ARC through the Birkdale Community Association (Managing Agent) for approval. There will be a follow up inspection by ARC to ensure that the alteration(s) proposed by the homeowner are in compliance with what was approved.
ARC membership is composed of residents who take responsibility for reviewing and approving submitted applications as well as follow up inspections at the time the project is completed.
Mailbox Maintenance
Mailboxes must be kept up to date by the homeowner. if you need help with mailbox maintenance contact resident Rich at 919-621-9983 or email at themailboxguy@yahoo.com
Colors : Vanilla Cookie and Cottage Red
For the Post:
Lowes’ Valspar Exterior Satin 372
Birkdale Vanilla Cookie
Duramax, 105-1, 107-1, 214-5
For the Metal Box:
Benjamin Moore Cottage Red
Virginia Paint #372 Vanilla Cookie and Cottage Red
Numbers and Logos:
Please contact Rich: themailboxguy@yahoo.com
The Covenants Committee monitors violation complaints brought to its attention by a homeowner and provides due process resolution. If you would like to report a violation of our bylaws that you are unable to resolve with a neighbor, please fill out an complaint form and send it to ACS West. The committee will review your complaint and decide which course of action should be taken. All complaints will remain anonymous.
Things to remember regarding Landscaping and our common areas:
No Dumping in common areas
Do not drag brush, grass or tree clippings, or any form or debris into the common areas. Remember: those areas belong to all of us as property owners. The area along the power lines by Royal Birkdale is also a no dumping zone. This area also belongs to Birkdale and the association pays to maintain it.
Please park in your driveways
As a resident of Birkdale you agreed to our Bylaws which state that residents will park in their driveways. Exceptions are made for occasional parties or gatherings where street parking is required, however it is never ok to have guests or residents park in any of the green spaces in Birkdale. Our streets are narrow and when residents park on the street, it limits the space for emergency vehicles. It is also hard to see young children who are riding bikes and residents who are out walking. Please make a conscious effort to park in your driveway whenever possible. If you must park on the street please do not park across from another vehicle.
No Open Fires
Fires require a permit from Chesterfield County. It is not appropriate to burn any vegetation in common areas and cause alarm to nearby homeowners.
Please clean up after your pet
Please be respectful of your neighbors and pick up after your pet. Pet urine can burn the grass and leave unsightly yellow stains- please do not allow your pets to urinate in other neighbor’s yards. Please take your pet to the mulched common areas within our neighborhood.
Birkdale Goes Solar
In 2020 the Birkdale Board made a cost saving decision to replace the outdated gas lanterns with new solar lights. This project will pay for itself within the first year as we realize a savings in gas charges. The new lights are also environmentally friendly and much lower maintenance than the previous gas lanterns. Thank you to Nick Martelo and Wayne Bass for spearheading this project.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION- Together we can keep Birkdale looking its best!
If you have a problem with common area maintenance, please use our contact form.